Thursday, August 28, 2014

Community Associations Institute Trade Show

Steven Smith Landscape, Inc. was an exhibitor at yesterday's CAI trade show in Carlsbad.  The timely theme: "Tapping into Solutions:Demystifying the California Drought".  Our Marketing Manager Gigi Golden-Smith attended with our Landscape Maintenance Superintendent, Chris Cutler. Both reported back that it was a "great event"!

Please visit our website,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just an ordinary work day...rescuing a kitten!!!

July 16, 2014, A typical day on a job site, getting ready to use some of our heavy equipment. But wait what's that?  A tiny sound - that should not be coming from the inside of our tractor!(see red arrow) Meowing in fact, from a very tiny and not very happy kitten, somehow wedged deep within the machine.

Our President Steve Smith together with our crew, really wanted to get to work, but of course they had to solve a problem first.  Where was the kitten and how to carefully get him/her out ? They spotted her finally, but she was wedged very tightly in a space they could not reach.  After 2 hours they finally came up the plan using a bendable covered wire to make a soft 'hook' to delicately slide under kitty's belly and gently pull her out - unharmed!  Of course that was not the end of the story.  Steve called Gigi and asked if he could bring the kitty to the office. "Yes!" we all agreed. Steve drove little "Lucky" up to our headquarters in the only thing he had available, an empty power bar box with a towel inside.
Then with Leslie driving and Debra cradling the kitten - we drove to the Escondido Humane Society where she would get the utmost care.  It was surely a long time since she had eaten.  We thought perhaps mama cat had deposited her kittens there for safe keeping and could not retrieve this one.  Her eyes were not yet open!  All in a day's work!

Monday, July 7, 2014

New gallery photos, residential landscape installation

We've just added some new photos to our Installation Gallery at under the Before/After and Residential tabs for a recently completed residential install.

to see our latest gallery photos and more.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Polyphagous shot-hole borer beetle

A new beetle/fungal complex was recently detected on avocado and other host plants in Los Angeles, Orange,  San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties.  Photo shows symptoms to look for on the trees. Contact Steven Smith Landscape, Inc. for a consultation.

"The two fungal species are  Fusarium euwallaceae and Graphium sp., which form a symbiotic relationship with a recently discovered beetle that is commonly known as the polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB, Euwallacea sp.) (Fig. A). Together, they cause the disease Fusarium dieback (FD). When the beetle burrows into the tree, it inoculates the host plant with the fungus (Fig. D), which is carried in its mouthparts in a structure called mycangia. The fungus attacks the vascular tissue of the tree, blocking the transport of water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the tree, and eventually causing branch dieback. The beetle larvae live in galleries within the tree and feed on the fungus.  FD has been observed on more than 110 different plant species in California, including many species common in urban landscapes and on such agriculturally important species as avocado, olive and persimmon." From Akif Eskalen PhD, UC Riverside

Monday, February 24, 2014

ASLA Workshop on Bioswales and Bioretention, featured speaker: Chris Cutler

Chris Cutler from Steven Smith Landscape, Inc. will be one of the featured speakers, on the subject of Bioswales and Biorentention. Free event, Mesa Community College, 03/14/14. For more information and to download the flier: