Thursday, February 23, 2012

Plant of the Month: January 2012

Calendula officinalis or pot marigold
Pictured is a bright yellow variety but Calendula also comes in shades of orange, apricot, cream and soft yellow.

A popular and versatile plant, that provides color from late fall through spring in mild winter areas, it produces flowers that are 2-1/2- 4-1/2" across.  Effective in borders, parking strips, along drives and in containers.  These photos are of a recent winter color installation at one of our large H.O.A.'s

To see more suggestions for drought tolerant and water wise landscape plants, visit

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day at the Races 2011

Steven Smith Landscape, Inc. was a CAI Sponsor for Day at the Races 2011. Our lovely Marketing Director: Gigi Golden-Smith is at right.  Read more about Gigi and the rest of the

Plant of the Month: December 2011

Bougainvillea spectabilis (pictured is a Magenta (Pink-Purple)variety, is a vine with dramatic blooms in a variety of colors.  It is native to South America.  Sometimes referred to as the ‘Paper Flower’, as the bracts are thin and papery.
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater
Full sun Water Needs: Drought tolerant once established.
Average landscape size: Reaches 10 to 20 feet tall and 20 to 30 feet wide.